Greg Woodbury


Greg Woodbury has worked in media arts since the 1980s, in production and post-production, as an administrator and in his own art practice. He has produced several single channel videos and installations and fostered the work of independent film/video/media artists through teaching, advocacy, technical support and creative collaboration. He is currently Operations Director at Charles Street Video. He brought his family into the shooting of this film.


Kathryn Walter has maintained a studio practice since 1990, working at the intersection of visual art, craft and design. In 2000 she founded her label FELT to explore modern industrial felts with a focus on interior wall commissions for architects across Canada and the United States. She balances these commercial projects with more experimental work. The FELT props and costume in this film were made during one of her creative diversions.


Anna Bell graduated from Rosedale Heights School of the Arts in June 2020 and will be attending OCAD U in September with a focus on Integrated Media. She likes to work with a wide range of media, and made the pink headpiece that became the inspiration for our footage.





Why did you get involved in this project?

We were all sharing living and work space and decided to get creative together when this opportunity presented itself. The timing was perfect because we had a huge temporary studio space, some time, and some props and costumes already made.

Did the one week turn-around for the work help or hinder your creativity?

The quick turn-around helped spur us on. Resourcefulness and creativity can rise from limits set by time, space and context.

How did you feel about working on a project where you didn’t know who you were collaborating with?

It was a leap of faith, but we were pleasantly surprised with the outcome.

Has being involved in the project changed your thoughts on creativity?

It reminded us that once an artist always an artist, so you can always get into making when inspired.

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